The Ultimate Construction Career Guide

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Managing careers in construction is something that both employees and employers struggle with.  For employers, trying to balance overhead costs and keeping talent is an age old challenge.  For many employees, there are a ton of uncertainties, like consistency of work and finding the right company for their skills and interests. To help those in the construction industry to make better career decisions, CONEXPO-CON/AGG and the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) have released an e-book titled The Ultimate Construction Career Guide.

The Ultimate Career Construction Guide  focuses on the best states for construction jobs, how to raise your pay by getting advanced training, advice for taking your career to the next level, transition to a leadership role, solutions for finding skilled labor, and how a company can keep their employees happy.

The e-book features insights from industry experts and published studies throughout and is as much for those in leadership positions as it is for those just starting out in the industry.

In the Taking Your Construction Career to the Next Level section, the publishing groups asked for tips and advice from 10 different industry veterans, including yours truly.

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I can’t say that I would call myself a construction veteran yet, I haven’t quite reached 10 years in the industry yet.  My perspective is from that of a project manager, as that’s what I do as my full-time job.  Knowing the context of where each trade and activity fits within the grand scheme of the project is hugely important for my role, but I think no matter who you are in a project, you can save yourself a lot of hassle by recognizing that you’re only one part of a large team of contractors.

Ever since I was a construction management intern during my college career, I made a point of remembering how little I actually knew. I never wanted to be the person that made those with less experience feel bad for not knowing something.  Everyone learns in different ways and at different paces, the most important thing is that the learning takes place.

The full e-book is definitely worth a download, it’s completely free and you’ll just need to submit your email address.  For more information, visit