Tesla to Begin Taking Orders for Solar Roof Shingles in April, Install Later This Year

Solar roofs are an obviously popular choice for those interested in conserving energy, but traditional panels are extremely clunky and expensive.  Tesla and CEO Elon Musk announced last year that they have solved that issue, which the impending release of Tesla Solar Roof, which look like a traditional roof shingle.

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[VIDEO] Watch a Concrete House be Printed on Site in Less Than 24 Hours

3D printing technology faces major issues when it is required to leave the shelter of a warehouse and step foot on a construction job site.  3D printers are extremely large, heavy, and rely on precise calibration for accuracy.  Even the first 3D printed office building in Dubai, which was completed last year, had to actually have its components printed off site and assembled on site. But, Apis Cor, a 3D printing company, believes it has created the technology to print a full structure completely on site.

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France Officially Unveils World’s First Solar Panel Road

The concept of solar roadways has been in the news a lot recently.  Using the millions of miles of roadways throughout the world to also create power seems like a no brainer, the asphalt and concrete we’re using now aren’t really accomplishing anything more than handling the traffic on the road. But, there’s also a very strong reason why those products are used: they’re strong, reliable, and relatively durable.  Still, many researchers believe there is a lot of unharnessed potential for roads and the world now has a very strong test subject for the future of solar roadways in Tourouvre-au-Perche, France.

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World’s First 3D Printed Bridge Officially Opens

3D printed construction has been on top of the news the past few years, but we have yet to truly see many real world applications of the process. Last year, Dubai unveiled a completed 3D printed office building, which they say was built in only 19 days, but news has been pretty slow until the world’s first 3D printed bridge was completed recently.

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